Dear Amazing clients, friends, family & community members,
Spring is here and it feels like the world is starting to open up a bit. Life feels just a tad bit lighter this week. I hope you're feeling like you can breathe a little deeper these past few days.
Our local Marin real estate market is still as hot as ever. I have included some information below on the passing of Prop 19 and how that will likely bring in some more much needed inventory to the market. But, how will the market respond to these properties. I anticipate there will be a fair share that will need updating or at minimum a big refresh! And, right now the homes that are turn-key and ready to go are the ones trading at the highest prices. It seems that lack of time and ability to contract a great GC makes homes that need remodeling less appealing. So, that's where my team shines. Give me a call to discuss how my team just transformed our recent listings to trade at amounts that blew our clients away.
I hope whatever this new season brings you may you always feel hope for better days ahead and hold gratitude for the gifts in the moment.
My best,